Sunday, January 18, 2009

Day 12

Legs and Back & Ab Ripper X - Today was the first time that I did more than just the first few moves of the legs and back workout. I was surprised that almost no weights were used. By the end, I was very sick of doing pullups. I can't do them without chair support and it starts to get frustrating after a while to just keep doing them with my feet on a chair. The leg workout was good though.

Then at the end was the ab workout. As I've done everyday so far, I forgot that it was coming. Luckily, they put both workouts on the same DVD so that I couldn't forget. I did much better on the abs this time. I optimized my breaks, so instead of going to failure around 15 reps and then sitting/laying still for the other 10, I did 10 reps, sat for 5, then did the last 10. As I build up my strength, I hope to go longer without a break. I was proud today of how much better I did than the last time I did this workout.

I'm not too sore from the Yoga workout yesterday, but I am just all around tired.

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